Could drought in the Amazon lead to the point of ‘no return’? – 12/20/2023 – Environment

Could drought in the Amazon lead to the point of ‘no return’?  – 12/20/2023 – Environment


In recent months, the Amazon rainforest has faced the most intense drought ever recorded. One of the region’s rivers, the Rio Negro, reached its lowest level since records began 121 years ago.

Villages in the region that depend on navigation are becoming inaccessible, while forest fires burn part of the vegetation and animals die.

Many scientists fear that events like this are contributing to taking the world’s largest tropical forest to a point of no return, where the biome would no longer be able to generate the rain that maintains it and which would lead to a process of savannization of the forest.

A BBC team was in the region and spoke to experts and residents about the situation.

This text was originally published here.


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