Conar requests alteration of Perdigão’s advertisement – 04/14/2023 – Panel SA

Conar requests alteration of Perdigão’s advertisement – 04/14/2023 – Panel SA


Conar (National Council for Advertising Self-Regulation) asked for the alteration of an advertisement for mortadella Ouro, by Perdigão, after receiving a plagiarism complaint made by Seara.

According to the organ, the company stated that the competitor copied an ad for mortadella Seara Gourmet from last year.

Unanimously, the agency asked BRF, owner of Perdigão, to change parts of the advertising that spoke of exploding spices, cooking for nine hours and smoking with wood.

Also according to the agency, BRF disagreed with the similarity between the advertisements. Sought by Panel SA, the company said it will appeal the decision, which was taken in the first instance.

JBS, owner of Seara, said it does not comment on ongoing processes.

Joana Wedge with Paulo Ricardo Martins It is Diego Felix

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