Circo Caboclo presents aerial acrobatic show at Teatro da Instalação, in Manaus

Circo Caboclo presents aerial acrobatic show at Teatro da Instalação, in Manaus



The project is an artistic proposal that mixes acrobatics, dance, music and acting on stage.

Manaus (AM) — The company Circo Caboclo presents the “Floating Experience — Acrobatic Show”, this Friday (24th) and Saturday (25th), at 7 pm, at the Installation Theater, downtown Manaus. Entry is free.

The project is an artistic proposal that mixes acrobatics, dance, music and acting on stage. The show features ground acrobatics, aerial acrobatics, manipulation and balance acts.

The cast includes acrobats Jean Winder and Laís Silva, music by Cícero Benedito and Alexandre da Amazônia, lighting by Daniel Ferrat, with production by Amanda Magaiver and Yure Lee. With the support of the Federal University of Amazonas (Ufam), the Circus Activities and Gymnastics Dance Program (Prodagin) and sponsored by Banco da Amazônia.

Photo: Cícero Benedito

The circus show is composed of aerial acrobatics together with live music, aiming to bring different sensations and thrill the audience.

“The differential characteristic of this show is the scenic investigation proposal, the artists involved are willing to investigate and generate material based on acrobatics. This is something important and new in Manaus, where we don’t have this culture of acrobatic investigation at the level of scenic experiments for several reasons, due to space or public policies that make it viable”, explains acrobat Jean Winder, trained at the National School de Circo, and by the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Buenos Aires).

Jean points out that the show will surprise and will certainly be a memorable experience for the audience.

“Our biggest recommendation is that the public come curious and willing to have fun because I’m sure that’s what will happen. Everyone will be very impressed and happy once they absorb the proposal for seeing this type of content in person.”

circus experience

The acrobat Laísa Silva acts as a ballet teacher and, in circus art, she dares to perform aerial activities in apparatus and fabric, dedicated to carrying out artistic activities with perfection, but ensuring that they are carried out with protection.

“I started doing acrobatic fabric, then I met the Lira (circus apparatus in an arc for aerial modality), although we perform an art that requires caution and perfect movements, I am looking forward to the presentation”, she reports.

The presentation “Floating Experience”, by Circo Caboclo, will be marked by the debut of Laísa on stage with the aerial circus modality.

“I am sure that this show will enchant and that people will like it because this whole process has been incredible, both for me and for the other people participating in its construction.”

Circus show with music

The “Floating Experience” has a musical proposal mixed with artistic performances. Alongside Alexandre da Amazônia, the musician Cícero Benedito says that the songs seek to make a unity between the urban and the natural.

“We aim to create songs from different instruments, some of them being indigenous, for example, and others with more contemporary ones, such as guitar, bass and drums, together with these instruments we also have flutes. The intention is to go after a percussiveness, we look for a more ferocious song, to bring this perspective of this construction between one point and another”, he says.

“In music, we seek to bring this dimension of sensation, this fluctuation between one point and another, a release, tension and relaxation guided by the artistic construction that we all seek to bring to this show”, said Cícero.

Cia Circo Caboclo

The “Floating Experience — Acrobatic Show” project is carried out by Companhia Circo Caboclo. Created in 2017, the arts company is dedicated to research and artistic production through circus language, in the city of Manaus.

Founded by Amazonian artist Jean Winder, CIA Circo Caboclo proposes to establish and produce artistic processes among Latin American professionals and redefine “frontiers” through art and technology. More company details on Instagram: @circocaboclo.

Read more:

Circus show features aerial acrobatics at Teatro da Instalação, in Manaus


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