Cherry and grape tomatoes: understand the differences and learn how to identify each one

Cherry and grape tomatoes: understand the differences and learn how to identify each one


Gourmet line fruits, one is shaped like a ball and the other is similar to a grape. Experts also explain that there are differences in taste. Grape (sweet grape) and cherry tomatoes Luiz Franco/g1 Many people end up associating the grape tomato with the cherry type because both are small. But there are differences between these species, both in taste and in physical characteristics. g1 spoke with two specialists, who explained the distinctions and how to recognize each type in the supermarket. Understand why tomato is considered a fruit Lemon helped save the orange crop from a virus called ‘sadness’ Cherry tomatoes have a circular shape, like a ball. The grape, like the grape, has longer ends and can be found in both red and yellow colors. “Cherry is softer in terms of texture. Grapes are tastier, due to the balance they have between acidity and sugars (brix)”, explains Romulo Kobori, scientist and director of research at Sakata to g1. Brix measures the soluble solids content, that is, the degree of sweetness of a fruit. “It has already been developed with a higher sugar content. The normal thing for tomatoes is to have around 3 to 6 degrees brix”, explains to g1 Sergio Mitsuo Ishicava, agronomist from the Department of Agriculture and Supply of São Paulo. “In the grape, you find approximately 8 degrees brix. A sweet fruit, even, registers 12”, completes Ishicava. No wonder, commercially it is called “sweet grape” (“sweet grape”, in free translation). Due to these characteristics, grape is usually consumed as a snack and is also the favorite of children, explain experts. Cherry and grape are gourmet tomatoes There are many types of tomato in the world, but the Salada type (Long Life), Saladete (known as Italiano), Santa Cruz, Grape and Cherry are the most popular in Brazil. The little ones are part of the special (or gourmet) line. In the series “Where does what I eat come from” about tomatoes, g1 shows that, as they are more delicate, these little tomatoes receive “special treatment” from producers. Generally, they are planted in a greenhouse, an environment that is better controlled and helps to prevent the emergence of pests and diseases. Furthermore, in the processing (packing house), the fruits do not need to be washed, as the water and the special detergent for food can damage them. ALSO READ: 🍊 Orange: know the journey of the fruit to reach the table 🥬 Bath with soap: salad can even ‘drown’ 🧀 Cheese: food was born in the stomach of animals Where do tomatoes come from Where do tomatoes come from How to identify vegetables and spoiled fruit Initial plugin text


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