Chamber Plenary| Photo: Pablo Valadares / Chamber of Deputies

The plenary of the Chamber of Deputies approved, on Tuesday night (30), the basic text of Provisional Measure 1164/23, which recreates Bolsa Família, with new rules so that beneficiary families receive a minimum amount of R$ 600 , in addition to an additional R$ 150 per child under six years old. The vote was symbolic.

The MP provides that families with income of up to R$ 218 per person are entitled to the benefit, and also provides for an additional R$ 50 for each dependent aged between 7 and 18 years; in addition to pregnant women. In addition, the text of the measure also included the payment of gas assistance.

The new rules came into force in March, and are aimed at fighting hunger and reducing poverty, in addition to social protection for families, focusing on children, adolescents and young people, as highlighted in the text of the provisional measure.

The program also deals with the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico), and integration with the Single Social Assistance System (Suas), with the search for new beneficiaries and review of irregular benefits.