Provisional measure was about to expire on the 14th and now goes to vote in the Senate plenary.| Photo: Pablo Valadares/Chamber of Deputies

Federal deputies approved, this Wednesday (7), the provisional measure that established new rules for the Minha Casa Minha Vida program, about to expire on the 14th.

The text sent by the government underwent alterations by the deputies, such as the readjustment in the value of the works after the beginning due to inflation, to avoid the abandonment of the constructions; encouraging projects closer to urban centers; prioritization of women victims of violence; the use of resources from the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) for projects related to Urban Land Regularization (Reurb), among others.

The newsroom, however, maintained the beneficiaries’ income ranges ranging up to R$8,000 a month: in urban areas, range 1 is for families with a gross monthly family income of up to R$2,640; range 2 goes up to R$ 4.4 thousand; and range 3 up to R$ 8 thousand.

The project was approved in a symbolic vote, without vote counting, with favorable decisions from both government and opposition parliamentarians. Only Novo advised to vote against.