Cármen Lúcia votes against resuming Deltan Dallagnol’s mandate

Cármen Lúcia votes against resuming Deltan Dallagnol’s mandate


The minister of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) Cármen Lúcia increased the score against the request of the former federal deputy Deltan Dallagnol (Podemos-PR)who filed an appeal to regain his mandate as federal deputy, revoked in May after the Court rejected the candidacy of the former prosecutor of the Lava Jato task forcein an appeal presented by the Brazilian Federation of Hope, a coalition formed by PT, PCdoB and PV.

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With voting in the virtual plenary, which began on Friday (8), the score is 3 to 0, and in addition to Cármen Lúcia, Minister Alexandre de Moraes and the Rapporteur and General Inspector, Minister Benedito Gonçalves, already had voted to maintain the revocation of Dallagnol’s candidacy registration. The virtual plenary will be open until 11:59 pm on Thursday (14) for voting by the other four ministers: Nunes Marques, Raul Araújo, Ramos Tavares and Floriano de Azevedo Marques.

I.e, if one more TSE minister speaks out against the appeal of the ex-deputy, the removal of Deltan Dallagnol’s mandate must be confirmed and maintained by the Electoral Court, which accepted the arguments of the PT-led coalition, that the then attorney requested resignation to avoid the dismissal of the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) because of of disciplinary complaints opened due to the way in which Lava-Jato operates.

Analysts interviewed by People’s Gazettein May, contradict the view of the case’s rapporteur, Benedito Gonçalves, who voted for the impeachment, considering that these procedures “could” result, in the future, in a dismissal, which would prevent Dallagnol from running for office.

The Lei da Ficha Limpa, however, says that ineligibility only applies when a prosecutor leaves office to escape a disciplinary administrative process, a PAD, that is, a later stage, when the collegiate of the National Council of the Public Ministry (CNMP) ) has already analyzed the accusation and understood that there were signs of disciplinary misconduct that could result in dismissal.

Deltan Dallagnol was the federal deputy most voted in Paraná in the 2022 Elections with almost 345 thousand votes, which placed the name of the former Lava Jato prosecutor as the second federal deputy with the most votes in the history of the State. After the result of the judgment, he declared that the revocation of the mandate meant “344,917 thousand voices from Paraná and millions of Brazilians silenced with a single pen.”


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