The national president of the PSDB, Bruno Araújo, anticipated his departure from the party.| Photo: Disclosure / PSDB

The national president of the PSDB, Bruno Araújo, anticipated his departure from the party. In an open letter published on the legend’s website, Araújo stated that he is proud to say goodbye to the legend. “I am proud because I am aware of our importance to the history and development of Brazil. Pride because I know that decades and decades will pass, and our brand, our achievements and values ​​will remain, ”he said.

Bruno Araújo was a former Minister of Cities in the Temer government and a former deputy, being one of the main leaders of the movement for the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff in the National Congress. Who assumes presidency of the acronym is the governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite.

“Brazil, which unfortunately still has millions of people in misery and cannot overcome inequality once and for all, is aware that we were responsible for important actions and programs that made this wound much smaller (…) We are perhaps the only party of Brazil that combines social concern with economic responsibility and freedom of behavior for people. At the same time, without dogmas”, wrote Araújo in his farewell.

“We were also part of the democratic protection that prevented authoritarian abuses of the last government. With each undue advance, we demonstrate and act: stop there. PSDB members: the Social Security reform and the Sanitation Framework, always reported by Toucan parliamentarians”, he said.

In the open letter, Araújo praises Leite, stating that the new president of the acronym is young and brilliant. “My pride is even greater when we know that the leadership of the party will be handed over to new and promising leaders, who are represented in the figure of the young and brilliant governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite. Good luck, Edward! May God enlighten him, ”he said. “I have no doubt that many social, economic and institutional advances that Brazil has and maintained are due to the PSDB. We need to stand tall to defend our legacy at all times,” he said.