Former President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro (PL).| Photo: Isac Nóbrega/PR.

Former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) has applied for a tourist visa to stay longer in the United States. He has been staying at the home of MMA fighter José Aldo, in Florida, since December 30th. As he left the country the day before leaving the Presidency, the former representative would have entered the US with a diplomatic visa, valid for 30 days. The information was released by the British newspaper Financial Times and by Folha de S. Paulo.

One of Bolsonaro’s lawyers told the Financial Times that with the tourist visa, the former president could remain in American territory for another six months. The request was filed last Friday (27). The status change on the document needs to be approved by the Department of State. The tourist visa would not allow Bolsonaro to carry out paid activities in the United States.

Former First Lady Michelle Bolsonaro returned to Brazil last week. Senator Flávio Bolsonaro (PL-RJ) said that there is no forecast for her father’s return. “There is no prediction, he knows. It could be tomorrow, it could be six months from now, it could never come back, I don’t know. He is depilating,” he stated.