Bolsonaro also said that he expects the CPI to reach the financers of the land invasions.| Photo: Marcos Correa/Secom

Former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) said, in a conversation with journalists this Thursday afternoon (18), that he has been talking to his party’s deputies about the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST).

“What I have been saying to the parliamentarians is to do a serious job. So that no one gets there to seal it, to want to show up, do your inquisition and leave. It is to stay there to look for alternatives”, said Bolsonaro, who is honorary president of the PL.

Bolsonaro also said that it is possible that the investigations reach those who finance land invasions in Brazil. “To put an end to this. Nobody wants confusion, nobody wants problems in Brazil”, highlighted the former president.

The PL has 11 deputies in the MST CPI. One of the party’s deputies, Bolsonaro’s former Minister of the Environment, Ricardo Salles (PL-SP) will be the rapporteur for the CPI.