BBB 24 lunch boy has worked as a gogo boy in a gay nightclub

BBB 24 lunch boy has worked as a gogo boy in a gay nightclub


BBB 24

The boy worked as a “gogo boy”, a job that took him away from his family, with whom he has not had a relationship for over 12 years.

Are you thinking that only Chris’s father and Rochelle’s husband from the show has two jobs? None of that… One of the participants in the popcorn group who most caught the public’s attention was Maycon, from Santa Catarina, who lives in Balneário Camboriú and works as a “lunch boy” in a public school whose function is to feed children. The information is from the Observatório dos Famosos website.

But before having this noble mission, the boy worked as a “gogo boy”, a job that took him away from his family, with whom he has not interacted for over 12 years, according to information from his brother, Márcio Bolmerich.

Like Maycon, Márcio works in the gastronomic sector, as a kitchen assistant. “We don’t keep in touch, not even on social media, for economic and sexual reasons. We were poor, we left home early, so we each rowed in one direction. He already said to me: ‘I went through the gay phase at your suggestion’”, said Bolmerich.

According to his brother, Maycon livened up the nights at an old gay nightclub in Camboriu, dancing boldly to the sound of electronic music.

According to his brother, the lunch man loves to show up, has charisma and a great chance of going far in the game: “Maycon is a showman, he likes to show up. The guy is good at it, but the public might be surprised. He will go far if he is not knocked down by another participant. He is very spontaneous and does comedy easily,” says his brother, who ends by saying that his brother is superb and that he loves wearing designer brands.

Currently, Maycon, who is looking for the millionaire prize at BBB, has been married for 15 years, works as a cook, is 35 years old and is known as “snack aunt”.

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