Army pays bonuses to civil servants even without reaching targets, says newspaper

Army pays bonuses to civil servants even without reaching targets, says newspaper


The Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) had to force the Army to disclose information about criteria and values ​​of bonuses| Photo: Flickr/Brazilian Army.

The Army paid bonuses worth R$4.8 million this year for institutional performance to civil servants. Among the requirements considered to receive the extra amount is the server’s need to “contribute to sustainable development and social peace”. When analyzing this point, performance was 86%, but the target expected in 2022 was 100%. Even so, according to the newspaper’s findings Folha de S. Paulothe Force paid bonuses between R$1,000 and R$5,600 to 1,903 civil servants considering this aspect.

To pay each server, the Army considered individual grades and the institutional result of 2022. The parameters for calculating the bonuses include criteria such as: “extra-regional deterrence”, “expanding the Army’s projection on the international scene” and “perfecting the system of science, technology and innovation”. These parameters have different factors in calculating the target.

A Sheet requested data on the evaluation criteria for paying bonuses to Force employees via the Access to Information Law (LAI) in February this year, but only got the answer after the intervention of the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU).

“This conduct by the Army Command is not supported by the content of the Access to Information Law, in which the principles of maximum disclosure, universal access, and speed and ease of access must be in force in order to allow citizens to have access access to information of universal interest, through active transparency instruments, such as the websites of public entities, or passively, as in the case of Access to Information Requests provided for in the LAI”, stated the CGU about the Army having kept the information confidential.

To grant the bonus for the item that provides for the server’s contribution “to sustainable development and social peace”, for example, the Force stated that the goal is measured “based on the fulfillment of cooperation and coordination operations with national agencies, in which include participation in social programs and subsidiary actions”. According to the Army, in this regard the performance was “below expectations”, estimated at 85.57%, due to the amount of participation of the body in the planned actions.


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