
Cleber Barbosa
Tourism Editor

The historic dance and music of the indigenous peoples of Parque do Tumucumaque and the mara Baixo of the remaining quilombolas showed the strength of Amapá’s roots to the world, at the official opening of Startup20 in the state, the only one in the Amazon to host the international meeting. The mix of past and future enchanted and excited delegations from the world’s largest economic powers this Friday, 23rd, during the cultural presentations.

Authorities and representatives from various nations were able to discover the richness of Amapá culture with the dance group Wayana Aparai and the marabass groups Raimundo Ladislau and Raízes da Favela, accompanied by the band Negro de Nós.

The indigenous people of Wayana Aparai enchanted the public by entering among the guests, singing the music and performing the typical steps of traditional dances performed in the villages. The group speaks the mother tongue of the Karibe linguistic trunk.

They live on the banks of the Paru de Leste River, located in the indigenous land of Tumucumaque Park, and Paru d’Este River, in the south of Amapá and the extreme north of Pará, on the border between Brazil and Suriname.

American tourist

The American and specialist in Business Development, Arthur Martirosian, was enchanted by the indigenous and Marajó groups and plans to return and travel through the Amazon to learn more about Amapá, and the sustainable development it has been showing the world. “It’s truly incredible how we can align technology and innovation with the culture of different countries. Brazil has all types of people, and that’s fascinating! I hope to be able to return here, and be able to travel along the Amazon River and see the beautiful forests”, said Martirosian excitedly.

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