Adjustment of 44.41% in Amapá’s electricity tariff is suspended, says senator Randolfe Rodrigues – News of Brazil

Adjustment of 44.41% in Amapá’s electricity tariff is suspended, says senator Randolfe Rodrigues – News of Brazil



According to the leader of the federal government in Congress, the suspension is determined by the Ministry of Mines and Energy

Douglas Lima

The senator Randolfe Rodrigues posted on social media, late this Wednesday afternoon, the 6th, that the electricity tariff adjustment of 44.41% determined by Aneel, for the next 13th, is suspended.

The government’s leading parliamentarian in the National Congress informed that the suspension was determined by the Ministry of Mines and Energy and that Aneel is already aware of the decision.

The senator explained that the measure goes until another deliberation is taken by the Planalto, which should be a Provisional Measure establishing new paths on the issue.

On another front, Randolfe Rodrigues reported that he met in the afternoon with the president of TRF1, judge José Amílcar, showing the impossibility of the population of Amapá to support an increase in electricity bills of more than 100% in a two-year period.

The senator said that the president of TRF1 promised that he will take the matter to the next plenary session of the court.

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