Federal Deputy Deltan Dallgnol| Photo: Albari Rosa/Archive/Gazeta do Povo

Federal deputy Deltan Dallagnol (Podemos-PR), impeached by the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) on Tuesday night (16), said on his social networks that the decision silenced the voices of “344.9 thousand people from Paraná and millions of Brazilians with a single stroke of the pen, in defiance of the law and justice”.

“My feeling is one of indignation with the unprecedented revenge that is taking place in Brazil against law enforcement agents who dared to fight corruption,” he reported. “But no obstacle will stop me from continuing to fight for my life’s purpose of serving God and the Brazilian people”, added the parliamentarian.

The TSE disagreed with the decision of the Regional Electoral Court of Paraná (TRE-PR), which had secured Dallagnol’s candidacy, and unanimously accepted the appeal filed by the PT and other leftist parties against federal deputy and former head of the force -assignment of Lava Jato in the capital of Paraná. With the decision, Dallagnol had his candidacy record rejected and, consequently, his mandate revoked in the Federal Chamber.