Goiás has the largest number of Fies subscribers in the Midwest, according to MEC data

Goiás has the largest number of Fies subscribers in the Midwest, according to MEC data


In all, there were 6,174 enrollments in the program that finances higher education in Brazil. Data are from the 1st half of 2023 and were released at the XV Brazilian Congress of Private Higher Education. ENEM 2022 -SUNDAY (13) – GOIÂNIA (GO) – Students arrive for the first day of the Enem at PUC Goiás, in Goiânia, Goiás” Thauany Melo/g1 Goiás has the largest number of students enrolled in the Student Financing Fund (Fies) in the 1st half of 2023, according to data from the Ministry of Education (MEC) released at the XV Brazilian Congress of Private Higher Education (CBESP), which takes place in Alexânia, in the Surroundings of the Federal District. The data are from the Fies Selection System. Right after Goiás comes the Federal District with 4999 subscribers, Mato Grosso with 2760 and Mato Grosso do Sul with 4100. The state with the highest number is São Paulo, which has 31,863 registrations. In the list of courses most enrolled by students are: medicine, law, nursing, dentistry, psychology, physiotherapy and veterinary medicine. In medicine alone, it has 104,136 registrations across the country. XV Brazilian Congress of Private Higher Education (CBESP), in Alexânia, Goiás Publicity/CBESP Higher education In the first half of this year, MEC offered more than 67,000 places in private higher education institutions within Fies. More than 200,000 applicants have applied to try to get full or partial funding for undergraduate studies. According to the Brazilian Association of Higher Education Maintainers (ABMES), with the current rules, only half of the vacancies will be filled, since many students are unable to meet the income and grade requirements of the National High School Exam (Enem). The association informed that it took to the MEC a proposal to reformulate the program that links the payment of installments to the student’s remuneration in a percentage that does not compromise his income, with the objective of making the student remain in the course until the conclusion. “We defend that, once young people lose their income temporarily, they can suspend their Fies payments. With these changes, we believe that Fies will once again become an attractive program”, explained Celso Niskier, executive director of Abmes. See other news from the region at g1 Goiás. VIDEOS: latest news from Goiás


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