8/1 defendants agree to pay up to R$50,000 in agreement with PGR – 10/17/2023 – Power

8/1 defendants agree to pay up to R$50,000 in agreement with PGR – 10/17/2023 – Power


The PGR (Attorney General’s Office) sent this Tuesday (17) to the STF (Supreme Federal Court) three requests to validate the first agreements with defendants who confessed to crimes in the coup acts of January 8 and committed to paying fines.

In one of these agreements, a defendant agreed to pay R$50,000. In two others, each promised to pay R$5,000.

The three also committed to fulfilling obligations such as providing services to the community for 300 hours, participating in a course on democracy and prohibiting keeping social networks open.

The course, according to the PGR, will have a “theme on ‘Democracy, Rule of Law and Coup d’Etat’, with a course load of 12 hours, distributed in four three-hour modules, to be made available in audiovisual format”.

The decision to validate these agreements will be made by Minister Alexandre de Moraes, rapporteur of the processes.

The Federal Public Ministry requests that Moraes, when validating the agreements, determine the revocation of precautionary measures such as the use of electronic ankle bracelets.

Defendants who can sign these agreements, which are called ANPP (non-criminal prosecution agreements), face crimes whose maximum sentences do not exceed four years.

In the case of January 8, the cases are related to defendants who are responsible for the crime of incitement. They did not directly participate in the attacks on public buildings, but were, for example, camped in front of the Army headquarters in Brasília.

The PGR says that more than 300 of the 1,125 defendants have already expressed interest in signing the agreement. After validation by the STF, criminal actions against these people are suspended, and can be resumed in case of non-compliance with the clauses.

If Moraes validates the agreements, they will go to the Federal Court in the first instance to monitor compliance.


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