Women in science: L’Oréal in Brazil will distribute scholarships – 03/08/2024 – Science

Women in science: L’Oréal in Brazil will distribute scholarships – 03/08/2024 – Science


The For Women in Science program, from the L’Oréal Group in Brazil, opens its registrations this Friday (8). In partnership with ABC (Brazilian Academy of Sciences) and UNESCO in Brazil, the project awards seven researchers with scholarships worth R$50,000 focused on life sciences, physical sciences, chemical sciences and mathematics.

Registration is open until May 9, according to the program notice.

There are four awards for life sciences, one for physical sciences, one for mathematics and one for chemistry. The scientific quality and impact of the research, previous research carried out by the candidate, the candidate’s independence/productivity and the potential for success and applicability of the project are taken into account.

The idea of ​​the program is, in addition to recognizing women scientists, to seek to help with gender balance in the national context.

In some areas of science, especially those known as Stem (an acronym in English for science, technology, engineering and mathematics), there are a series of barriers faced by women.

The L’Oréal Group in Brazil, since 2020, according to the institution itself, has increased the deadline for completing the program’s doctorate for scientists who have become mothers. For women who have had a child, the increase is one year; for those who had two or more children, the increase is two years.

The program has already awarded 124 scientists.

To compete for the award, you must have completed your doctorate in 2016 (bearing in mind that deadlines increase for candidates with children).


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