Wilson Lima partners with TJAM to advance land regularization

Wilson Lima partners with TJAM to advance land regularization



Cooperation Agreement provides support for carrying out research and activities of interest to the process and is part of the Amazonas Meu Lar program

Manaus (AM) – Governor Wilson Lima signed, this Monday (19), a Term of Technical Cooperation with the Court of Justice of the State of Amazonas (TJAM) for advances in the land regularization policy in Amazonian territory. The action is part of “Amazonas Meu Lar”, the largest housing program in history ever carried out by the Government of Amazonas.

“This action by the Court of Justice of Amazonas comes to remedy a gap that is a lack of understanding between the registers of the Federal Government, the state government, the city halls and also the registry offices. When this partnership is established, and when these titles begin to be delivered, this will provide security for the person who is receiving it, for the citizen, making sure that no one will question the document he is receiving in the future, which it is a definitive document of his land, of his property”,

highlighted Governor Wilson Lima.

In addition to the governor, the partnership between the Executive and Judiciary powers was signed by the acting president of TJAM, Joana Meirelles, and the Chief Justice, Jomar Fernandes. Present were Judge Abraham Campos Filho, coordinator of the Land Regularization Nucleus of Internal Affairs; the sub-coordinator of the Nucleus, Judge Áldrin Henrique Rodrigues; and the secretaries of the Civil House, Flávio Antony; of Government, Sérgio Litaiff; and Cities and Territories, João Braga; the state attorney general, Giordano Bruno; and the controller general of the State, Jeibson Justiniano.

The signing of the term meets the guidelines of the Permanent Land Regularization Program for the Legal Amazon, of the Corregedoria Nacional de Justiça (CNJ), which assigns to the state internal affairs bodies the function of defining, coordinating and speeding up measures related to the regulation of land (rural and urban).

“The Court of Justice sees it as a unique opportunity, to be able to rely on tools that it did not have, and the State Government comes to offer its entire structure so that we can advance quickly, effectively, quickly, the land regularization in the way that was recommended by the provision of the CNJ”,

evaluated the judge Abraham Campos Filho, who is coordinator of the Nucleus of Land Regularization of the Corregedoria Geral de Justiça do Amazonas.

The Technical Cooperation Term provides support and administrative advice from TJAM to the State Government based on the exchange of information, documents, studies, research, reports and diagnoses and the carrying out of institutional and educational activities in the agrarian and land areas necessary for monitoring agrarian conflicts and land regularization in the state of Amazonas.

The document encompasses the coordination of the “Permanent Program for Land Management and Sustainability in the Amazon”, under the responsibility of the Government of Amazonas, with the proposal to define, coordinate and speed up measures related to urban and rural land tenure regularization, with the identification of public areas and those intended for environmental protection, as well as delivering property titles after regularization.

The signing of the term also establishes the creation of the Interinstitutional Work Committee to promote the “Permanent Program for Land Management and Sustainability in the Amazon” and has the attributions of proposing, planning and monitoring the programs and actions agreed upon, with the setting of annual goals , aiming at the correct preservation and recovery of the environment.

Amazonas My Home

Launched in April by Governor Wilson Lima, the goal of the Amazonas Meu Lar program is to reach more than 22,100 permanent housing solutions, 20,000 of which are new housing units, in addition to issuing definitive titles for 32,000 properties, including land and real estate. . The forecast is, in four years, to invest almost R$ 4 billion in housing, with an estimate of generating 51 thousand direct and indirect jobs.

*With advisory information

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