What does a water producer do? Test your knowledge in the quiz

What does a water producer do?  Test your knowledge in the quiz


Podcast ‘Where do I eat from’ explains the importance of irrigation for agriculture. Climate change will require rational use of water. CLICK ABOVE TO LISTEN 97.5% of the planet’s water is salty, unfit for human consumption. Of the remaining 2.5%, most is frozen in glaciers or stored in aquifers. Only 1% of fresh water is in rivers. This week, the podcast De onde vem o que eu como discusses which ways Brazil can combine agricultural irrigation with water supply and climate change. The episode also explains what a water producer does. 🎧 LISTEN (above) and then answer the quiz: Weight x 35 is the ‘other’ formula for water: know how to calculate how much you should drink per day; 2 liters are not enough for everyone Brazil lost R$ 287 billion of its agricultural production in 10 years due to drought and rain Test your knowledge about water! Water is the subject of the podcast ‘Where does what I eat come from’. Jimmy Chang / Unsplash 🎧 ALSO LISTEN:


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