What are functional foods? Find out why acerola, avocado and banana fall into this category

What are functional foods?  Find out why acerola, avocado and banana fall into this category


Podcast ‘Where does what I eat come from’ explains what benefits these foods bring to health. Functional foods are those that are good for physical and mental health, improving quality of life. Banana, acerola and avocado are among them. This week, the podcast “Where does what I eat come from” explored the benefits and curiosities about these three foods. The episode also gave tips: for example, how to store bananas for longer. Episode explains the benefits of acerola, avocado and banana Samuel Souza/Gil Ndjouwou/Rodrigo dos Reis – Unsplash 🎧LISTEN to the episode (above) and, afterwards, learn about other benefits of these foods. 🍌Banana: with its versatility and energy, it is an excellent source of potassium, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 B6, C and fiber, and it also helps with intestinal health and muscle recovery. Bananas prevent several diseases, explained nutritionist Durval Ribas Filho, president of the Brazilian Association of Nutrology. “If I’m eating a banana, I’m ingesting a good amount of tryptophan and that means I’m synthesizing and producing more serotonin, and more serotonin makes a person feel better, it’s even related to mental health and anxiety”, says the nutritionist. 🥑Avocado: it’s the star of this selection with three times more potassium than bananas. It has a creamy pulp and is rich in good fats, vitamins and minerals essential for cardiovascular and brain health, as well as increasing good cholesterol. “Good cholesterol brings fat to be metabolized in the liver, while bad cholesterol takes fat to the periphery of the body, clogging the arteries”, explains nutritionist Edson Credidio. 🍒Acerola: known for its very high concentration of vitamin C, it is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens the immune system and contributes to skin health. Acerola is rich in vitamin C because it needed it to defend itself from predators during its evolution. “Plants cannot run away when the herbivore comes to consume them, when the beetle comes to consume the fruit. They have to defend themselves. So they produce large quantities of some substances, these are their means of defense”, says Flávio França , from Embrapa. Read also: • Find out how non-alcoholic beer is made • ‘Cabruca’ mentioned in the soap opera Renascer began more than 300 years ago Watch the “Where does what I eat come from” video series: Where does milk come from Where does it come from the avocado Where does what I eat come from: banana


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