understand how good humor helps preserve mental health

understand how good humor helps preserve mental health


Good mood

Neuroscience expert explains the benefits and how to put it into practice in the face of everyday challenges

Good humor can be one of the main tools for those who want to have physical and mental health and talking about this is important during the month of the White January campaign. According to one of the longest studies on the subject carried out by the T. Chan School of Public Health, at Harvard, in the United States, a positive attitude towards life reduces the risk of death from cancer, stroke, infections, respiratory and even heart diseases.

The study lasted eight years and was carried out with 70 thousand women who were divided into two groups. In comparison with the most pessimistic group, the optimistic group had a 30% lower chance of dying. But, what is good humor and how to put it into practice?

According to the humorologist and neuroscience specialist Maryana with Y, good humor is a lighter way of seeing and dealing with life’s challenges. “Being good-natured means being lighthearted, laughing, joking at times, being kind and cordial with yourself and others, even when saying no or taking a stand. This counts a lot in everyday life. Imagine every day you arrive at work in a bad mood and completely ignore your needs and those of others? Don’t have a relationship that lasts over time, even on a personal level. In fact, those who are moody tend to become more isolated over time, which is not good since we are social beings.”

In practice, the speaker and also co-author of the book SoftSkills and Balanced Skills, both published by Literare Books International last year, indicates that the first exercise in good humor can be to laugh at yourself. “A good mood is training and starting to look at events that directly involve you is a great exercise. We have to remember that almost nothing is under our control and, often, the frustration of the day comes precisely because we are reminded of this. What will you do? Laughing and making a joke to yourself about what you’re experiencing is a good step. The brain becomes more creative when the person begins to reflect lightly on events, trying to create a calmer way of dealing with it”, she explains.

Another important tip from Maryana with Y is to look for people who train or are already good-natured. “Coexistence is one of the determining factors. If you are with people who see life as lighter, the tendency is for this to also be encouraged in your life. Otherwise, it is impossible to train this among so many people who only complain. Don’t forget that the environment greatly influences our personality, another point that neuroscience already studies”, she reinforces.

According to more recent research, just the simple act of smiling, even if forced, makes the brain produce serotonin and endorphins, substances that bring a feeling of well-being and pleasure to the body. psychosomatic illnesses, such as depression, anxiety and stress. Smiling reduces muscle tension and also promotes health in other parts of the body” emphasizes Maryana with Y.

Like other habits, good humor can be acquired over time, but it takes dedication to find that lighter look. When exercising, the results are visible in many ways, it goes beyond health and promotes a welcoming internal and external environment. Therefore, laughter is good medicine.

*With information from consultancy.

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