‘The Movie Is Over’: Cineclube presents six classic horror films in Manaus

‘The Movie Is Over’: Cineclube presents six classic horror films in Manaus


Cinephiles on duty

With free sessions, debates and even a raffle, the project runs from April 4th to May 9th, always on Thursdays

Manaus (AM) — Horror film lovers in Manaus already have an appointment scheduled for the next Thursdays. This is because the “O Filme Acabou — Terror Version” Cineclub will take over the Amazon Museum from April 4th until May 9th with free weekly screenings of classics of the genre. The exhibition marks the launch of the podcast of the same name, created by filmmakers Ricardo Manjaro and Walter Fernandes Jr and screenwriter Alex Jansen to enrich the experience of lovers of the seventh art.

With the right to interact with the public at the end of each session and a draw for a film on DVD, the program will take place between 2pm and 5pm and will feature six feature films that mark the trajectory of the cinematographic genre: “The Death of the Demon” (1981); “Night of the Living Dead” (1968); “Gang of sadists” (1977); “They live” (1988); “The Chainsaw Massacre” (1974); and “Videodrome” (1983).

Creator of the podcast, Ricardo has a degree in film direction from the São Paulo International Cinema Academy and has been working with short films since 2012, when he produced “A Última no Tambor”, which was awarded Best Cinematography in the same year (Ricardo Manjaro and Leonardo Mancini) and Best Actor (Breno Castelo) at the Amazonas Film Festival.

According to him, the idea of ​​the Cineclube is to be the in-person extension of the debates proposed in the Podcast “O Filme Acabou”, available on Spotify ( and on YouTube, in audio format (

“For our first Cineclube, we made a selection of horror films with different flavors. Some works are independent and authorial, made with a very low budget and the old guerrilla passion. We hope that watching and discussing films like this will also be a way of motivating and inspiring new local directors”,


With capacity for 30 people, the Amazon Museum — located in the center of Manaus — will be just the first home of the project by the trio of cinema lovers, who have the support of audiovisual producer Thiago Moraes, coordinator of the space’s audiovisual workshops. “We hope that, in the future, the Podcast and Cineclube experience will be inseparable”, emphasizes Ricardo.

Elements of cinema

Project creators Alex on the left, Ricardo in the center and Walter on the right Photo: Disclosure

The idea of ​​creating the podcast and the film club arose from the three friends’ personal desire to explore the different elements of audiovisual. With an extensive CV, which includes the award-winning “Graves e Agudos em Construção” — in which the entire trio was part of the process —, Walter Jr points out that the project’s difference lies in the fact that it debates both production curiosities and more narrative issues. direct regarding the use of cinematographic language.

“Ricardo had the idea of ​​making a film podcast, but it differs from those made by critics, in which they emphasize the issue of the argument. We intend to make a podcast with the idea of ​​talking more about aesthetics, editing, the elements that involve cinema itself”,


Initially with a chat just between the three of them — in the future with local film critics and audiovisual professionals from Amazonas —, the first episode of the podcast will be about the Oscar results, going category by category and commenting on the competing films and the winner.

Graduated in international relations and studying history, Alex is also a guitarist/bassist and event producer and acted as a partner in works by both Ricardo and Walter Jr. According to him, the possibility of producing something about cinema, being able to talk about films chosen, giving his opinion and learning a lot from the two filmmakers were the reasons that encouraged him to participate in the proposal.

Alex highlights that both the podcast and the film club are part of the friends’ desire to try to mobilize discussion about cinema in the local scene, adding to other existing initiatives. “One can help the other to build this space.”

*With information from consultancy

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