Swallowing fish bones can be dangerous; Know what to do

Swallowing fish bones can be dangerous;  Know what to do



Sharp objects, such as fish bones and chicken bones, can puncture the digestive tract

Swallowing fish bones is quite common in some situations, such as in dishes involving cod and sardines, for example.

Although they do not always represent a true health risk, these cases can eventually cause complications and require medical attention. This is because fish bones have sharp ends or irregular shapes, increasing the chances of them getting stuck in the throat.

“Accidental ingestion of fish bones is a very common occurrence. Fish bones are usually small and can easily go unnoticed during food preparation or chewing,”

says endocrinologist Daniel Lerario.

According to the expert, in general terms, there is no reason to panic if you have ingested a fish bone and are feeling well. If the pimple has passed well through the throat, it is likely to pass through the intestine and be eliminated from the body through the natural digestive process.

In the northern region of the country, fishbone stories are common due to its predominance. In some situations, pimples stuck in the throat are serious cases that require medical intervention.

Some simple measures can help remove that pimple stuck in your throat, such as:

  • Forceful coughing;
  • Gargle with water and salt;
  • Eat dry biscuits, such as crackers;
  • Eat a banana or a piece of bread dipped in milk;
  • Take some olive oil.

Is there damage to the digestive system?

When someone swallows a foreign object, it travels through the digestive tract and leaves the body normally without causing problems. However, sharp objects, such as fish bones and chicken bones, can puncture the digestive tract, and ingesting them can be considered a medical emergency.

There is a risk of causing perforation throughout the digestive system (esophagus, stomach or intestines).

When passing through the throat, the fish bone most commonly follows the digestive tract until it is eliminated in the feces. However, according to the doctor, there is a risk of causing perforation throughout the digestive system (esophagus, stomach or intestines).

A pimple adhered to the internal part of the digestive tract can cause an infectious process, called an abscess. Abscesses are collections of purulent material (pus) that, although they normally result from bacterial infections, may, in some cases, not represent infections, but rather be a manifestation of other skin diseases such as panniculitis, or other abscess diseases, such as hidradenitis and folliculitis dissecans.

The Hospital das Clínicas of the Faculty of Medicine of USP, a unit of the state public network and the largest hospital complex in Latin America, warns that there is an increase of around 40% in the number of cases during Holy Week, due to the predominant consumption of fish by religious holiday account.

*With information from Gazeta de Taguatinga and SBD

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