Suframa presents three technological challenges in Artificial Intelligence for startups

Suframa presents three technological challenges in Artificial Intelligence for startups



Challenges were designed to support projects related to the development of solutions based on Artificial Intelligence

Suframa had three technological challenges selected in the third stage of the Notice “Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Public Power”, from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI). The first challenge is the development of a chatbot to provide information about tax incentives and services, with support of up to R$2.6 million. The second is the optimization, through Artificial Intelligence (AI), of data from investment reports in Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I), with support of up to R$2.6 million. The third is the use of AI to measure the environmental impacts of development actions, with support of up to R$2.4 million.

The challenges of the Notice “Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Public Power” were presented by the teams involved on Thursday (7) and Friday (8). The notice is a partnership between MCTI, the Financier of Studies and Projects (Finep), the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services (MGI) and the National School of Public Administration (Enap) and was designed to support projects related to development of solutions based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for applications in Technological Challenges of Federal Public Power entities, called Participating Public Entities (EPPs).

The main objective is to support startups in the development of projects based on artificial intelligence, which generate positive impacts on the services provided to society. The deadline for submitting proposals is April 11th.

The total planned investment is R$24 million in economic subsidy resources and aims to solve nine technological challenges proposed by four entities of the Federal Public Power. In addition to Suframa, the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro) and the National Social Security Institute (INSS). In total, more than 80 problems identified by public bodies were submitted.

Artificial Intelligence is defined as technology that simulates, through computational algorithms, advanced cognition and decision support mechanisms based on large volumes of information. Its operation is based on other technologies, such as machine learning, which consists of recognizing patterns based on the analysis of large sets of data, allowing the construction of results autonomously.


The first challenge proposed by Suframa is the development of a Chatbot for Information on Tax Incentives and Services. The justification is due to the importance of providing clear and agile information about tax incentives and services offered in the region covered by the superintendence. Currently, the diversity of communication channels makes it difficult to accurately identify doubts and correctly direct demands to the responsible units.

To overcome this difficulty, Suframa seeks to develop an AI-based chatbot, capable of interacting with users and providing accurate and quick responses. The solution aims to centralize service, identify elements necessary to clarify doubts, classify the complexity of demands and speed up response times.

Another relevant challenge faced by Suframa is the processing and analysis of investment data in Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I). The Authority uses the Technological Monitoring, Management and Analysis System (SAGAT) to receive Demonstrative Reports (RDs) from companies, but faces difficulties in structuring and analyzing this data, due to the variety of formats and the high volume of information.

To overcome this obstacle, Suframa is looking for an AI-based solution that allows the structuring of RD data, reduces analysis time and identifies possible inconsistencies, ensuring the standardization of the evaluation of investments in RD&I.

Suframa also faces the challenge of measuring the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of its development policies. Currently, impact assessment occurs in isolation for each project, limiting the understanding of the effects of actions in a more comprehensive way. To overcome this limitation, SUFRAMA seeks an AI-based solution that integrates data from different sources and generates visualizations of socioeconomic and environmental impacts, assisting in decision-making and prioritizing new investment actions.

“The three technological challenges presented by Suframa show that the Authority is committed to seeking innovative solutions to improve service to the public, optimize its processes and service offerings to citizens, in addition to evaluating the effectiveness of its development policies”,

explains Suframa superintendent, Bosco Saraiva.

More detailed explanations about the three technological challenges proposed by Suframa are available at the following links:

*With information from consultancy

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