SP has 15 administrative districts in dengue epidemic – 03/04/2024 – Health

SP has 15 administrative districts in dengue epidemic – 03/04/2024 – Health


Dengue fever continues to be on the rise in the city of São Paulo. In one week, the capital saw a jump in the number of administrative districts experiencing a dengue epidemic: from six to 15.

The data was computed until February 28th and comes from the epidemiological bulletin released by the São Paulo Municipal Health Department this Monday (4).

The districts in an epidemic situation are Itaquera, in the east zone; Tremembé, Vila Medeiros, Vila Maria, Jaçanã, Anhanguera and São Domingos, in the north; Água Rasa, in the southeast region; Lapa, Jaguara, Vila Leopoldina, in the west zone; Guaianases, Lajeado and São Miguel, in the east zone; and Campo Limpo, in the south zone.

The data is provisional. In total, the capital has 96 administrative districts.

The Jaguara district has the highest incidence rate, with 3,236.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

The incidence coefficient is a criterion from the Ministry of Health for classifying the disease in relation to the population. To arrive at it, simply multiply the number of new cases by 100,000 and divide by the total population in the area in question. The indicator shows the risk of residents becoming ill and the probability of new occurrences.

With 25,182 cases as of February 28, the incidence of dengue in the city of São Paulo is 209.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. To date, two deaths from dengue have been recorded and 28 are under investigation.

In the same period, in 2023, there were 1,632 occurrences of the disease, an increase of 1,443%.

The Municipal Health Department stated that it intensified actions to combat the dengue mosquito and increased the number of agents on the streets six-fold, from 2,000 to 12,000.

In 2024, more than 2.5 million actions to combat dengue were carried out in the capital, such as house-to-house visits, property inspections, actions to block breeding sites and nebulizations.


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