Federal Senate Public Safety Committee| Photo: Edilson Rodrigues/Agência Senad

The Public Security Committee of the Senate approved, this Wednesday (12), a request to convene the Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, so that he appears before the committee and provides clarification on security policies in the country. The request was presented by Senator Alessandro Vieira (PSDB-SE). The hearing with the minister in the Senate will be on May 2.

According to the Toucan parliamentarian, the minister’s presence will be important to clarify “the actions of January 8, the regulation of the Statute of disarmament, the fight against criminal organizations and violence in schools”. However, Vieira also highlighted the need to know what will be “the long-term policies related to public security to be adopted by the portfolio”.

The presence of minister Flávio Dino in Congress has already caused some disagreements in hearings in the Chamber of Deputies. The last confusion occurred this Tuesday (11), at the Commission for Public Security and Combating Organized Crime. An argument between deputies from the opposition and from the governing base of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) provoked the suspension of the debate on the actions of the PT administration related to armament.