See simple pudding recipe (with and without holes) – 07/20/2023 – Food

See simple pudding recipe (with and without holes) – 07/20/2023 – Food


Alongside the brigadeiro, pudding is among the most traditional desserts in Brazilian cuisine. Loved from north to south of the country, it also divides its fans between those who like the sweet with holes and those who prefer it very smooth, like a creme brûlée.

“The pudding gets holes when you beat the dough too much, forming bubbles, and bake it at a high temperature, which makes the egg proteins coagulate too quickly. It turns into an omelette”, explains Daniela Aliperti, partner at the bakery Fôrma de Pudim.

Whatever your preference, the good news is that this is one of the easiest recipes – especially if you like the holes, which form when making the dough in the blender. As for the “no holes” team, the recipe is still easy, but requires a longer preparation time, since you have to wait for the air to come out of the dough and also cook it for a longer time, on a lower heat.


Difficulty level: Easy
Preparation time: up to one hour
Performance: 8 servings


  • 1 cup (American) fresh milk
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cup (tea) of sugar

Method of preparation

  • Beat the four egg yolks in a blender and then add the egg whites without beating.
  • Add the can of condensed milk and the glass of fresh milk and beat everything very well, until completely mixed. If you want a pudding without holes, reserve the mixture in a low container, until a foam forms on top.
  • In a ring mold (those with a hole in the middle), put the sugar and lead to low heat. Keep stirring, no rush, until it turns into caramel.
  • When the caramel is ready, pour over it the mixture that was made in the blender. If you want a pudding without holes, before pouring, remove the foam that formed on top.
  • Take the mold to cook in a bain-marie in a baking dish with water, in a low oven. Do not open the oven.
  • After 20 minutes, turn it off and wait five or ten minutes to remove the pudding. When very cold, pour into a flat cake plate. Pour the syrup that is at the bottom of the pan over the pudding.


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