See productions by Sora, IA who is ‘ChatGPT of videos’ – 04/10/2024 – #Hashtag

See productions by Sora, IA who is ‘ChatGPT of videos’ – 04/10/2024 – #Hashtag


In February this year, OpenAI announced Sora, a tool that was called the “ChatGPT of videos”. The platform creates high-resolution videos of up to one minute, which is longer than the competition.

Sora is still only available to users selected by OpenAI and there is no prediction of when this access will expand, as is already the case with ChatGPT and Dall-E3, for text and images.

The debate about how tools like Sora will transform the film industry is ongoing. OpenAI executives met with major Hollywood studios to allay fears of a blackout in the area.

Meanwhile, the company publishes on its social networks some of the productions that are being made with the exclusive use of Sora. O #Hashtag highlights eight of them.

Still images come to life

A potato with a crown, sitting on a throne, sees his vast kingdom of potatoes with a castle in the background. This image created in Dall-E3, an OpenAI tool, came to life in Sora. The potato subjects move around the king and start to display flags. Sora also made a charming café full of plants move.

What a trip

The command: “A first-person perspective of traveling through a tunnel made of mirrors reflecting a starry galaxy, creating an illusion of infinite depth and movement.” The result is psychedelic and fascinating.

Beyond reality

In “Beyond our Reality – A Journey through parallel worlds”, artist @donalleniii creates fantastic beings, such as Girafflamingo, flying pigs, Whalepuss (a mix of whale and octopus ), among other creatures capable of leaving Pixar studios in awe.

Space time

Director Paul Trillo explored “space-time” with Sora, in a video that passes through libraries, tunnels, roads, pyramids. “Nothing will replace the process of creating a film, but [a Sora] is offering a completely new way of thinking about it. Without constraints of time, money, or permission from others, I can experiment in bold and exciting ways,” she says.

Virtual mermaids

Expanded reality creative leader @josephinemiller explored the underwater world in this video featuring virtual mermaids and mermaids.

Wind head

“Everyone has something unique. In my case it’s pretty obvious what it is. I’m literally made of hot air.” This is how the character of “Air Head” presents himself to the world. Throughout the video, he reflects on his condition. “This perspective makes me see every day that life is fragile. That’s why I try to live life lightly” A little cliché, but without a doubt a well-made production.

In a video published a few days later, director Walter Woodman states that Shy Kids always “embraces new technologies.” For producer Sidney Leeder, “using Sora expands possibilities, especially in low-budget productions.”

Cute kitten

Using the command “a cute pirate kitten commanding a robot vacuum cleaner around the house”, Sora created the video below. Soon, we won’t know if the cute kitten videos in our feed are real or made by AI.

Niagara Falls

What if Niagara Falls gushed colorful paint instead of water? At Sora this is possible.

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