Rui Costa’s performance became the target of criticism within PT allies

Rui Costa’s performance became the target of criticism within PT allies


In addition to criticism from deputies and senators from center parties, such as the MDB, PSD and União Brasil, the Minister of the Civil House, Rui Costa, also became the target of “friendly fire” even among members of his own party, the PT. Privately, members of the PT bench consider that Costa’s choice for the Civil House was a mistake given his “political inability”.

In recent days, for example, the minister was involved in a controversy after classifying Brasília as a “fantasy island”. For members of the government, Rui Costa missed the “timing to commit such sincerity”. The internal assessment is that the minister’s post should weigh when making such statements.

During an event in Bahia, the Minister of the Civil House criticized the choice of the capital of Brazil, claiming that the structure of Brasília leaves legislators far from the reality of poverty found in other large metropolises.

“It was better [a capital] having stayed in Rio de Janeiro, or having gone to São Paulo, Minas or Bahia, so that whoever was going to enter a building like that, or the Chamber of Deputies or the Senate, would pass, before arriving at their place of work, in a favela, under an overpass, with people asking for food, seeing people unemployed”, declared Costa.

Federal deputy Érika Kokay (PT) also stated that Rui Costa’s statement “is typical of someone who does not know the city and the DF”.

“Here is the capital of the Republic, land of working people. People who work, produce, study, who suffer from the lack of public services, who dance, who laugh, who express themselves in the most diverse ways and who, in addition to all this , hosts and receives very well those who come here to work for the country”, argued the minister’s co-religionist.

Without mentioning the head of the Civil House, the mayor, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), asked ministers for “restraint” and reinforced that statements like Rui Costa’s “do not help” in the articulation of the government. used social networks to say that he “wasn’t happy with the words” and that the statements had just been an “outburst”.

“Last Friday, I was in Itaberaba, Bahia, at an event for the delivery of yet another hospital. There, I vented my feelings and demonstrated my disagreement with the process of choices and decisions taken. By citing Brasília as the center of political power, I am not I was happy in my words, which allowed some to turn my statement into an attack on the city or its people,” he wrote.


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