Rapporteur changes government project and wants to increase ethanol mix in gasoline to 35%

Rapporteur changes government project and wants to increase ethanol mix in gasoline to 35%


Deputy Arnaldo Jardim (Cidadania-SP), rapporteur of the project known as “Fuel of the Future”, presented the opinion this Monday (26).| Photo: Zeca Ribeiro/Chamber of Deputies.

Federal deputy Arnaldo Jardim (Cidadania-SP), rapporteur of bill 4,516 of 2023, known as “Fuel of the Future”, intends to increase the mixture of ethanol in gasoline to 35%. Jardim presented his opinion on the proposal this Monday (26). The PL was originally presented by the Lula government, but was attached to other texts on the topic.

The report is expected to be voted on this week. The rapporteur proposed to increase the mixture of ethanol in gasoline from 27.5% to 35% by 2030. Since 2015, the share of ethanol in gasoline has been 27.5%. The original proposal envisaged increasing the percentage to 30%.
The opinion also establishes that the addition of biodiesel to diesel oil must increase from 14% to 20% by 2030; and determines a mandatory percentage of biomethane to be mixed with the total volume of natural gas sold, which should reach 10% by 2034.

According to the text, airlines must reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 2027, starting from 1% to 10% in 2037, through sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), biofuel made from renewable sources. The report also sets out the criteria for the creation of the National Sustainable Aviation Fuel Program (ProBioQAV), the National Green Diesel Program (PNDV), the legal framework for the Capture and Storage of Carbon Dioxide.

The proposal also regulates the production and distribution of synthetic fuels (known as e-Fuel). Produced in a laboratory, e-Fuel has the same burning properties as those derived from petroleum, without the need to modify parts of combustion engines, such as synthetic gasoline, informed the Chamber Agency.


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