Procon-AM joins the Federal Government debt renegotiation program

Procon-AM joins the Federal Government debt renegotiation program



According to data from Serasa, in Amazonas 1.5 million people are indebted

Manaus (AM) – The Consumer Defense Institute (Procon-AM) joined the Federal Government’s debt negotiation program, Renegocia! which starts this Monday (24th) until August 11th. The initiative is from the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, through the National Consumer Secretariat (Senacon).

The purpose of the national debt negotiation effort is to help Brazilians who are facing financial difficulties. For the CEO of Procon-AM, Jalil Fraxe, Renegocia! It is an excellent opportunity for Amazonians who are heavily indebted and unable to organize their finances.

“According to data from Serasa, in Amazonas 1.5 million people are indebted. In Manaus alone, there are 1,006,540. Thinking of contributing to Amazonian consumers, the Government of Amazonas demanded the participation of Procon-AM in the Renegocia! The main focus in fact is to serve the over-indebted, which are people who have a level of debt that exceeds their ability to pay, but also debt who have overdue bills”,

says Fraxe.

The Renegotiate! it is done electronically, through the official platform, the consumer carries out all the negotiation through the website, without bureaucracy, without waiting in line, without needing to make an appointment in advance.

One of the main focuses of this task force is the prevention of over-indebtedness, with the guarantee of the existential minimum. In June, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva issued Decree 11,567/2023, which increases the value of the existential minimum from BRL 303 to BRL 600, which is the amount of income that is protected by law in cases of over-indebtedness.

The Renegotiate! it is an initiative that aims to create a favorable environment for consumers with excessive debts to be able to renegotiate them in an accessible manner and seek solutions to get out of this situation. The mutirão is not just limited to bank debts, but also covers other types of debt, such as retail debts. Debts with alimony, rural and real estate credit are excluded from the negotiations.

Info: Renegotiate! Debt Negotiation Task Force

Service is provided online via the platform, from July 24th to August 11th.
You must have a silver or gold account.

Who can participate in Renegocia!?

The main focus of the debt negotiation effort is to prevent over-indebtedness, that is, to prevent consumers from getting into a debt level that exceeds their ability to pay. Even so, any consumer who has overdue debts can participate in the action. There are no limits on debt amounts or income.

How to participate in Renegocia!?

To participate in the mutirão, interested consumers must access the portal to negotiate debts.

The tool makes it possible to resolve consumer conflicts quickly and without bureaucracy, without the need to initiate administrative or judicial proceedings.

The site is yet another alternative to expand service to the population, not replacing the service provided by consumer protection agencies, which continue to serve through traditional channels.


Procon-AM is open from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 2 pm, at Av. André Araújo, 1500 – Aleixo to assist the population and receive complaints, or via telephone 0800 092 1512/ 3215 4009. Or through the website, or through our email address: [email protected]

*With advisory information


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