Eight attorneys from the PGR will be designated to act in actions in the Amazon Region, such as deforestation, mineral extraction, among others.| Photo: Andre Borges/EFE

Eight members of the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) will be sent to the Amazon Region to act in actions related to the extraction of minerals, deforestation, indigenous peoples, public lands, among others, according to a statement issued on Monday night (6) by the Federal Public Ministry.

According to the attorney’s office, the reinforcement in the north of the country aims at “integrated and articulated action to expand the services provided by the MPF in the region”, at the request of attorney general Augusto Aras. The new holders, he informs, are already part of the attorney’s office and were selected through an internal contest.

The new attorneys requested to work on issues related to the Amazon region will work in the cities of Manaus (AM), Belém (PA), Cuiabá (MT) and Brasília (DF).