Investigations indicate that the group would have laundered BRL 130 million in gold illegally extracted in indigenous areas.| Photo: Federal Police/disclosure

Five search and seizure warrants were carried out by the Federal Police this Tuesday (28), in Goiás and São Paulo, against an organization suspected of illegally extracting gold from indigenous reserves, trading, exporting and money laundering.

According to the investigations of “Operação Kukunaland”, the group operated in the cities of Goiânia and Santos, allegedly issuing cold invoices for the sale of gold extracted from illegal mines in other states. The warrants were issued by the justice of the Tocantins municipality of Gurupi.

The organization, he says, had a Permissão de Lavra Garimpeira (PLG) in the city of Natividade (TO), but the police say that the mining did not have the amount of gold declared in the document.

“So far, the ‘laundering’ of gold removed illegally in the amount of more than R$ 130 million has been identified, which represents around 300 kg of pure gold”, says the Federal Police.

According to the corporation, those involved may be liable for crimes against the economic order, money laundering, ideological falsehood and criminal organization. The combined penalties can reach 29 years of imprisonment.