On a polarized wall, former BBBs guess who wins the duel between Cara de Sapato and Fred Nicácio at ‘BBB 23’

On a polarized wall, former BBBs guess who wins the duel between Cara de Sapato and Fred Nicácio at ‘BBB 23’


In the moment that shoe face went to talk with Fred Nicacio at the last party of “Big Brother Brasil 23” and the situation turned into a generalized fight, he didn’t imagine that the two would face each other on a wall right there in front. With the dynamics of the game in turbo mode, from then on Gustavo was eliminated and a new hot seat was formed to remove another participant this Tuesday.

Read more: On ‘BBB 23’, Aline says that she and Igor Rickli want more children and are in line for adoption; pandemic had postponed plans, says actor

In this dispute, Cezar Black, the third name indicated, seems to be just a supporting actor. In a poll on the website of the EXTRA newspaper, until the close of this edition, 63% of the votes went to the doctor and 33% to the fighter, while the nurse had only the remaining 4%. The duel of giants promises excitement for later. And, on both sides, supporters and fans have arguments on the tip of their tongue to keep their favorite in the game.

— Shoe Guy’s discipline and competitiveness comes a lot from his profession, it’s something natural now. He has a good relationship with most of the participants and has never harmed anyone — ponders lawyer Mario Figueiredo, the fighter’s brother, who adds: — Inside, they don’t have pay-per-view and can’t keep up with the cameras to review situations and check the information. Follow intuition.

The confinement and the competition have been messing with the emotions of both Fred and Sapato a lot. The man from Paraíba, for example, already had anxiety attacks at home, which was one of his biggest concerns before joining the program, according to his team. Among ex-brothers, director and activist Rodrigo França, from “BBB 19”, identifies with Nicácio’s pain and points to a racial issue in the situation.

— Once again, you marginalize, demonize the black person, as it is out here. I don’t think the others follow the logic of the game, because the way they do it with him, they don’t do it with other men, especially white men. It has nothing to do with the game, it has to do with ethics, behavior and racism — points out Rodrigo, adding: — I already knew Nicácio through mutual friends. I can say that Fred always had a very truthful demeanor. Maybe that’s the problem, people don’t know how to deal with who is authentic, especially when it comes to a black man and with a very haughty posture.

Also from “BBB 19”, Rízia even says that she likes Cara de Sapato, but is a real fan of Nicácio.

— He is an incredible player, he surrenders to the game and the experience of living in that locked house without knowing anything out there. He’s thirsty for victory — she vibrates.

Amanda massaged Cara de Sapato to alleviate one of the crises Photo: Reproduction

But there are also those who do not feel comfortable with the doctor’s posture with other participants in the house. This is the case of Rafinha, champion of “BBB 8”, who has been following the game and is even doing lives on his profile to comment on the program.

— Fred Nicácio is not on the “BBB” to compete, but to promote himself in the moment of weakness of some. I think his game is the dirtiest. Yesterday, him putting ice on Amanda’s face to force a scene and expel the actress was an example — evaluates the tattoo artist, who also refutes the argument that Fred is chased by Cara de Sapato in the house: — Sapato fell in his game. Fred came back with information (from the secret room) and caused discord, tried to make the fighter and Amanda uncomfortable. Shoe is doing all this because he knows that if he doesn’t step up all the time, Fred will go unnoticed. At the same time, the fighter’s insistence tires the public.

Regardless of who leaves today, one thing is certain: those who return show all their strength in the dispute. Let them fight! People just spy.

Fred Nicácio is married to Fabio Gelonese
Fred Nicácio is married to Fabio Gelonese Photo: Reproduction/Instagram


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