Nubank announces joining Desenrola – 07/19/2023 – Market

Nubank announces joining Desenrola – 07/19/2023 – Market


Nubank announced this Wednesday (19) that it will join the Desenrola Brasil program, aimed at renegotiating overdue debts.

“After completing the technical analysis of the requirements already available for Desenrola, Nubank confirms that it will participate in the program.

The five major banks —Itaú, Bradesco, Santander, Banco do Brasil and Caixa— had already announced their adherence to the program in recent days.

Banrisul, Daycoval, Inter, PagBank and Pan confirmed that they will also participate. Customers can contact banks to settle debts acquired between 2019 and 2022.

On Monday (17), Minister Fernando Haddad (Finance) declared that the number of Brazilians with debts of up to R$100 who can keep their names clean could reach 2.5 million if all banks adhere to the program.

“There was only one bank that was in doubt whether to adhere or not, because it saw little advantage in presumed credit, and it has 1 million negative CPFs”, said the minister in reference to Nubank. “If all the big banks join, there are 2.5 million CPFs [desnegativados].”

Customers who owe up to R$100 will have their name removed from the list of defaulters as soon as they join Desenrola, if they do not have debts from other sources such as electricity, water and stores.

This will allow the participant to obtain other lines of credit or sign a lease agreement, for example. However, the debt must be paid and the person will have the “dirty name” again if he does not pay off the renegotiated installments on time.

Nubank also said that “it will inform, in due course, the conditions and criteria for renegotiations within the scope of the program, as well as the service channels that will be made available.”

The banks that joined Desenrola Brasil offer special conditions for their clients to renegotiate their debts. The institutions present discounts of up to 96%, in addition to a period of up to ten years to pay.

Faced with high demand from customers seeking renegotiations, Caixa announced that it will open its branches one hour in advance on Friday (21). According to the public bank, demand for debt negotiation doubled in its channels in the period of two days.

Track 2 of the program announced by the federal government started on Monday. In track 2, those with bank debt that generated the “dirty name” between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2022 can join.

The participant must earn between R$ 2,640 (two minimum wages) and R$ 20,000 per month, and will have a minimum period of 12 months to pay. The amount of installments and the interest rate will be negotiated with the bank.

There is no limit on the amount to be paid. If the financial institution does not participate in the program, the account holder can carry out the portability of the debt to another bank, according to Febraban (Brazilian Federation of Banks).

Also scheduled for September is the launch of track 1, which will encompass bank and non-bank debts of up to R$5,000 for families with incomes of up to two minimum wages (R$2,640).

The government’s expectation is that 30 million people will benefit and that R$ 50 billion can be renegotiated.

In the evaluation of experts, Desenrola Brasil should favor an increase in the granting of loans by banks, and, at the same time, reduce the level of default in portfolios.


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