Mais Médicos vacancies are distributed in 1,994 Brazilian municipalities, 1,000 of which in the Amazon region.| Photo: Lula Marques/Agência Brasil

The federal government launched this Monday (22) the notice of the More Doctors program with 5,970 vacancies distributed in 1,994 Brazilian municipalities, one thousand of them for the Amazon region. The remuneration will be R$ 12,386.50 for 48 months, extendable for the same period (see in full).

This phase of the program has as a priority the calling of doctors trained in the country and also foreigners who have their diploma revalidated in Brazil. The expectation is that the selection will take place in June with hiring at the end of the month for areas with vacancies – about a thousand of them to serve the Amazon region.

The public notice also offers a bonus for working in a vulnerable area and considered difficult to secure at the end of the period, from R$60,000 to up to R$475,000. Physicians hired by the program will also have to participate in specialization programs in Family and Community Medicine or a master’s degree in Family Health.

Registration begins on Friday (26) and runs until May 31 through the program’s website.