Google and Telegram took a stand on the platforms against the Fake News PL.| Photo: Sergei Elagin /

Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), authorized the Federal Police to open an inquiry to investigate the directors and responsible for Google and Telegram in the country for disseminating messages against the fake news bill, at the request of the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) and the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL).

According to the decision handed down this Friday afternoon (12), Moraes gives a period of up to 60 days for the PF to identify and hear those responsible for companies in Brazil and examine the posts made against the PL.

The two platforms expressed the opinion that the proposal brings censorship risks to users of social networks, if approved.

Google’s text was removed from the air after notification from the government and imposition of a fine of R$ 1 million per hour of disobedience. Telegram, on the other hand, was threatened with suspension, by decision of Moraes, and was forced not only to take its initial text offline, but also to recant for having exposed arguments contrary to the project.