The text is signed only as “Ministry of Women” and does not mention the name of Minister Cida Gonçalves.| Photo: Juliana Eliziaro/Ministry of Women.

The Ministry of Women defended the overthrow of the Amnesty PEC, contradicting the position of the Lula government on the proposal. The text was approved this Tuesday (16) by the Constitution and Justice Committee of the Chamber with the support of the PT. The PEC grants amnesty to parties that failed to comply with quotas for women and blacks in the last elections and prevents the Electoral Justice from punishing parties that committed irregularities in the rendering of accounts.

There were 45 votes in favor and 10 against. Among the deputies who supported the project in this vote were eight PT members, like the president of the party, Gleisi Hoffmann (PR). The folder released a public note entitled: “When will women’s political participation be taken seriously?”. The text is signed only as “Ministry of Women” and does not mention the name of Minister Cida Gonçalves.

“This is the fourth time that this political right of women has been threatened. PEC 9/2023 is being processed less than a year after the last amnesty approved by the National Congress in May 2022”, says the note. “It is necessary to reinforce that the lack of transfer of resources destined to women by the Quota Law and the systematic lack of responsibility of the parties constitute in the same gender political violence”, emphasizes the ministry.

“The amnesty is not justified, since the rules related to the reserve of 30% by gender have existed in the Constitution since 1997, with a resolution reaffirming that 30% was the minimum in 2015 and another guaranteeing that access to the same should also be 30%. Party Fund since 2018. Therefore, the parties had more than enough time to adapt ”, points out the portfolio.

The Ministry of Women proposes that, instead of the amnesty, the resources not applied in 2022 be allocated to a fund to reimburse women and black people indebted in the campaign. “Overthrowing PEC 9/2023 and enforcing the Law is the true democratic spirit, of unity and reconstruction that Brazil needs at this time”, says the statement.