Federal deputy Marcelo Freixo took over Embratur.| Photo: Chamber of Deputies.

The current president of Embratur, Marcelo Freixo, signed his official affiliation form to the Workers’ Party (PT) this Friday (5), during an event in Rio de Janeiro filled with PT leaders, including the party’s president, Gleisi Hoffmann, and Lula ministers, such as Alexandre Padilha, from Institutional Relations, Márcio Macêdo, from the General Secretariat of the Presidency; and Paulo Teixeira, from Agrarian Development.

During the ceremony, in addition to reiterating praise and promising loyalty to the PT, Freixo signaled that he intends to be a candidate in the elections for the mayor of Rio de Janeiro – in 2022, he tried to be elected governor, when he was still affiliated with the PSB, but was defeated by Claudio Castro (PL). The president of Embratur defended the formation of a “broad front”, possibly a joint effort with the current mayor of Rio, Eduardo Paes (PSD). Since January of this year, after Lula’s inauguration, Paes has increased the participation of PT members and Lula’s allies in the municipal secretariats of the capital of RJ.

“I have no doubt that we need a broad front, especially for the election of mayor of the city of Rio de Janeiro. I think that the name of Paes is a name that can be a consensus in the democratic field. Mainly if there comes a direct expression of the family that sank Brazil”, said Freixo.