Lucas, Pedro, Gabriel: the most common passwords in data leaks in Brazil in 2023

Lucas, Pedro, Gabriel: the most common passwords in data leaks in Brazil in 2023


Flamengo and Palmeiras also served to create some of the credentials most commonly found in security incidents, according to a survey by the password management service NordPass. Choosing passwords is an important step to make it difficult for problems to arise in the digital world. Reproduction Names such as Lucas, Pedro, Gabriel, Felipe and Matheus were used to create some of the passwords most found in data leaks in Brazil in 2023. The information is part of a survey by the password management service NordPass (see the list at the end ). The password “lucas123” was the most common among credentials involving first names: it was found 3,993 times and ranked 27th. At the top of the list are “admin” and “123456”, often used as the default system password. How and why people implant chips in their own bodies The study also highlighted the frequent use of team names: the password “flamengo” was identified 2,257 times and came in 50th place. Users also adopted the credential “Brazil”, which came in 27th place, and “palmeiras”, in 73rd. According to NordPass, the study involved the analysis of a database of more than 4 terabytes created from leaks found on the internet. The weakest passwords would take less than 1 second to be discovered with the help of programs that automate this process, explains the company. Check out the 50 most common passwords in leaks in Brazil, according to NordPass: admin (204,846 cases) 123456 (137,551 cases) 12345678 (46,666 cases) 102030 (28,034 cases) 123456789 (24,834 cases) 12345 (22,426 cases) gvt12345 (10,684 cases) 12345678910 (9,710 cases) password (8,687 cases) 111111 (8,432 cases) 123change (8,202 cases) 10203040 (7,332 cases) UNKNOWN (6,775 cases) change123 (6,584 cases) password123 (6,502 cases) beast@123 (6,364 cases ) 1234567 (5,993 cases) 142536 (5,834 cases) ******** (5,360 cases) 1234567890 (5,142 cases) 111111 (4,988 cases) Password (4,762 cases) 1q2w3e4r (4,529 cases) 123123 (4,510 cases) 10203 (4,180 cases) Brazil (4,154 cases) lucas123 (3,993 cases) BRAZIL (3,598 cases) Password (3,542 cases) t3l3f0n3 (3,532 cases) admin123 (3,368 cases) 101010 (3,320 cases) q1w2e3r4 (3,294 cases) a1b2c3d4 (3,177 cases) 654321 (3,099 cases) 123321 (3,084 cases) abc123 (3,080 cases) 124578 (3,065 cases) d@rKn3$$ (2,990 cases) 112233 (2,880 cases) 87654321 (2,857 cases) pedro123 (2,716 cases) gabriel123 (2,480 cases) 131313 (2.46 2 cases) felipe123 ( 2,422 cases) password (2,420 cases) 1q2w3e4r5t (2,394 cases) matheus123 (2,327 cases) Deusefiel (2,266 cases) Flemish (2,257 cases) READ ALSO: How to remember many passwords and make them secure How to use password managers for more security on the internet What the first eVTOL tests were like in New York New York carries out first tests with “flying cars”


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