Lindbergh announces default authorized by Lula in Minha Casa, Minha Vida

Lindbergh announces default authorized by Lula in Minha Casa, Minha Vida


The video published on the parliamentarian’s social network also drew attention due to the lack of audience.| Photo: Reproduction/X/Lindbergh Farias

Speaking on behalf of President Lula (PT), federal deputy Lindbergh Farias (PT-RJ) used a sound car to announce a default on the program Minha Casa, Minha Vida.

The parliamentarian went to a housing condominium in Nova Iguaçu (RJ), in the Jardim Guandu neighborhood, to publicize the exemption of installments from the program for beneficiaries of Bolsa Família and the Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC), on Sunday (8).

The measure touted by the PT member was determined in an ordinance from the Ministry of Cities on September 28th.

“If you have past debt, that debt is dead too. It’s Lula’s way of helping people who are most in need”, declared Lindbergh while speaking into the microphone on top of the sound car.

The video published on the parliamentarian’s social network also drew attention due to the lack of audience. Few people appear in the video cheering at the announcement while the deputy struggles to give credit for the measure to President Lula.

Lindbergh also announced the new phase of Desenrola Brasil, a debt renegotiation program.

To make the program viable, the Central Bank (BC) relaxed rules to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. The changes cover the resolution that regulates the sharing of data and information of debtors who have renegotiated their debts.

Now, under the new rules, financial institutions will not need to share debtors’ financial history to carry out customer qualification and classification procedures in federal debt renegotiation programs.

“It’s a very big chance and this program only exists because Lula looks at the working people, at the people who need it most,” said Lindbergh.


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