Leandrinha Du Art asks Izacc Medeiros to date and goes viral on the web

Leandrinha Du Art asks Izacc Medeiros to date and goes viral on the web



The trans couple maintained a long-distance relationship

Photo: Reproduction Social Networks

The influencer Leandrinha Du Art, posted the dating proposal video with Izacc Medeiros, the couple had a long-distance relationship, they met for the first time this Tuesday (24), during a romantic trip to Jalapão, in Tocantins.

The trans couple did not hide their anxiety to finally meet in person and, in order to make the moment even more special, Leandrinha decided to organize a surprise for her loved one, complete with rings, rose petals, a hot tub and champagne.

Who is Leandrinha?

Leandrinha Du Art is 28 years old, a media activist, writer, NINJA columnist, LGBT & PCD activist. Theology student and Philosophy researcher. In recent years she has become the reference face on sexuality and gender issues for people with disabilities and LGBT’s, connecting with people from Brazil and around the world with many followers on social media.

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