PF captured video call screen between PCC leaders| Photo: reproduction

Judge Gabriela Hardt, from the 9th Federal Court of Curitiba, extended the temporary imprisonment of Reginaldo Oliveira de Sousa, known as Rê, and Valter Lima Nascimento, known as Guinho, for another five days. The two are the target of Operation Sequaz, launched last week to dismantle a PCC plan to kidnap or kill Senator Sergio Moro (União-PR) and prosecutor Lincoln Gakiya, who has been investigating the criminal faction for over 20 years.

Rê and Guinho were arrested because they participated in a video call to plan the attack. The Federal Police say they are part of the top echelon of the PCC and participate in the “Restricta” group, which executes authorities and former members who broke away from the faction.

“The investigated occupy a leadership position, being recognized for the use of violent means to achieve their spurious interests. The retention of the two prisoners is to prevent the destruction of evidence, coercion and even threat to the integrity of witnesses,” Hardt wrote in the decision.