Josiel Alcolumbre promises free public transport in Macapá – News of Brazil

Josiel Alcolumbre promises free public transport in Macapá – News of Brazil


Douglas Lima

“If God and the people of Macapá give me the opportunity, I will provide free public transport with new buses for the population”. The expressions, surprisingly, are from the pre-candidate for mayor of the capital of Amapá, Josiel Alcolumbre (União Brasil), pronounced this Thursday morning, 18th, on the program ‘LuizMeloInterview’ (Diário FM 90.9)at a time when collective passenger transport is going through its worst crisis, but also when electoral legislation prohibits political demonstrations asking for votes.

In the interview, Josiel Alcolumbre revealed that in Brazil more than one hundred municipalities provide their populations with free public transport and buses in full traffic conditions, including air conditioning. For him, Macapá has enough budget to do the same thing and still be able to count on help from the federal government.

The pre-candidate, although not yet formalized in a party convention, cited Caucaia, in the state of Ceará, as an example of administrative goodwill, where public transport is free and efficient, and with a smaller budget than Macapá, also with a population far below, four hundred thousand inhabitants.

“Instead of Macapá City Hall’s budget paying for parties, it could pay for decent public transport, with new buses”needled Josiel, remembering that when the municipal government ended, the current governor Clécio Luís left 168 buses circulating in the capital. “Today, three years later, the number of these vehicles is reduced. On Tuesday, for example, I carried out a survey, as a journalist by training, which I am, and found that the city was served by only 32 buses”said the pre-candidate for mayor.

In his speech, Josiel Alcolumbre he also said that he never stopped listening to the people of Amapá, since the last election for mayor, when he got 45% of the votes, competing with the current manager, Antônio Furlan. “Now, this is the appropriate time to convey the population’s complaints with a proposed solution”he announced.

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