Joice Hasselmann launches plan to lose weight fast; see – 05/02/2023 – Balance

Joice Hasselmann launches plan to lose weight fast;  see – 05/02/2023 – Balance


Journalist and former congresswoman Joice Halssemann, 45, seems to have found a new vocation: slimming guru. After losing 22 kg and being re-elected, Halssemann, who was once the most voted woman in the Federal Chamber, regained space in the media and the attention of followers for supposedly devoting herself to restoring her own health.

The launch of the JH1 protocol, which in the test phase would have made the participants lose up to 32 kg, according to her, was announced on her Instagram profile, which has 615,000 followers. According to Hasselmann, the program lasts 28 days and promotes fast weight loss. The former deputy has also opened a second channel on the platform, in which she leaves politics aside to talk about diet, makeup and style. The “woman, mother, writer, journalist, cook, oenophile, apprentice” version has 41,000 followers.

The project includes recorded and live video classes, a conversation group in the Telegram application and an ebook of recipes created and tested by Halssemann herself, proposing a complete change of habit, along the lines of other protocols announced by celebrities such as former BBB Mayra Cardi .

Mayra’s weight loss programs, despite being questioned by health professionals, are sold for prices ranging from R$3,000 to R$300,000, according to a statement from the former BBB. The values ​​of the JH1 have not yet been disclosed.

The Hasselmann program would involve 14 professionals in an online clinic. The support group would include nutritionists, physical education professionals, a chef, a naturopath, a therapist, wellness and weight loss coaches, a psychologist and even a bodybuilder – Hasselmann’s sister, Cristina Bejuska, who did the journalist’s first training sessions at the slimming process.

Hasselmann stated in the publication that enrollment will open in May and that “it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle reprogramming”.

In response to the followers, she recorded some videos and assured that her program will not make anyone starve. “Let’s face it, it’s not a pizza all-you-can-eat, it’s a weight-loss and very fast weight-loss protocol. But don’t worry, you won’t go hungry, because there are lots and lots of recipes and you’ll eat every two or three hours at the most”, advanced.

The journalist also guarantees that the food indicated has flavor. “The recipes are delicious, I tested one by one, helped to create one by one. I’m good at gastronomy, I like to eat well, I don’t like bad food, badly seasoned food”, she indicated. “Don’t worry, you won’t die of starvation or despair of starvation.”

In the comments, followers are divided. “More and more beautiful, she looks like an angel”, says one. “I wonder if this time there will be fraud, as she was in politics? Let’s pray”, writes another.

Halssemann’s original diet started in 2020 and featured a gradual increase in physical training. As reported to Sheet in March of this year, she redefined her body based on food with the so-called “caldo de brodo”, an Italian recipe that consists of a thin soup of vegetables, bones and cartilage.

Despite this, the former deputy said that there will be options for vegetarians and vegans to also lose and maintain weight. “With my protocol I lost 22 kg, and after that the years passed and I didn’t gain even 1 g, even eating everything”, said the former deputy.

The focus is on women, but the program will also be open to men. It is still not possible to know how safe the JH1 protocol is, but in the case of promises of rapid weight loss, the advice given by health professionals is to always be careful.

Nutritionist Ney Felipe Fernandes, who works at Advanced Nutrition in Curitiba and is a doctoral candidate in public health at the UCES (University of Business and Social Sciences), in Argentina, points out that rapid weight loss is not indicated.

“On a diet, it’s worth following that prudent advice of always following up with a nutritionist, because giving up some food group because of rapid weight loss can lead to the development of some nutritional deficiency”, he says.

The professional also says that brodo broth, used by the former deputy to lose weight, works to lose weight because it has low energy density, but neglects other aspects of health.

“Fast food is bad because it concentrates a lot of calories. In the case of broth, the problem is that you end up reducing the food group you consume a lot”, he says.

Fernandes claims that the presence of meat and vegetables is important in the diet, but that it is also necessary to include dairy products, oilseeds, a greater variety of legumes and even vegetable oils such as olive oil, as all are necessary for the body.


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