INSS cuts retirement for those with the same name – 07/18/2023 – Market

INSS cuts retirement for those with the same name – 07/18/2023 – Market


José Edson da Silva, 71 years old, claims that he has already had his retirement suspended three times for having the same name as another insured person. If the INSS (National Social Security Institute) identifies that a beneficiary with similar data has died, the income is blocked to avoid the possibility of undue deposits.

The interruption may occur after analysis by the SIM (Mortality Information System), by the Social Security Benefits Board or by information sent by the registry offices.

The benefit is not canceled —just suspended— and the INSS informed the report that, in order to reactivate the payment, it is necessary to present documentation that proves your identity.

In these cases, the insured must access My INSS and select “Request Issuance of Payment Not Received”. If in doubt, the INSS may ask the insured person to go to an agency in person or send recent documents.

According to Paulo Bacelar, director of the IBDP (Brazilian Institute of Social Security Law), the INSS will verify data such as name, date of birth, mother’s name and RG and CPF number. The greatest chance of errors occurs in the communication between the notary and INSS, says the specialist.

Bacelar says that, generally, the notary only informs the name of the person who died, the INSS identifies having a beneficiary with the same data and suspends the payment to analyze if that person is alive.

This is the case of José, who has already had his retirement suspended three times for having a namesake. He says that there was an error at the registry office and he went to court, but his namesake died before rectifying the error at the registry office.

The expert informs that there is no definitive way to prevent the suspension in cases of notary error related to the death certificate of a homonym.

“If the INSS was informed by the notary that there is an insured person with a death certificate, it becomes more complex. If the INSS suspects, it will open the entire investigation process “, said the director of the IBDP.


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