Indigenous people: Funai wants to know the impact of exploring oil – 01/27/2024 – Panel

Indigenous people: Funai wants to know the impact of exploring oil – 01/27/2024 – Panel


Funai (National Foundation of Indigenous Peoples) recommends carrying out a prior environmental assessment of the Foz do Amazonas Basin that includes consultation with indigenous communities in the region as part of Petrobras’ request to drill and prospect for oil in the Foz do Amazonas basin.

In mid-October, Ibama (Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Natural Resources) requested a statement from Funai within the environmental licensing process for drilling in the Foz do Amazonas Basin block, under the responsibility of Petrobras.

In a letter dated December 18, the director of Promotion of Sustainable Development at Funai, Lucia Alberta Andrade de Oliveira, defends the carrying out of the strategic environmental assessment of the basin and that the communities are heard. The document is addressed to Claudia Jeanne da Silva Barros, deputy director of environmental licensing at Ibama.

The text lists topics to “guide the complementary studies necessary to evaluate the impacts on the indigenous peoples of the Galibi, Jumina and Uaçá Indigenous Lands”, in the municipality of Oiapoque (AP), in the social, cultural and environmental components, resulting from the interference of the exploitation of basin by Petrobras.

Among them are criteria for the complementary study, specifications on professionals who will carry out the research, a map with the geographic location of the activity, specifying the distances in relation to indigenous lands and indicating exploratory wells, support structures, air and sea traffic routes, air and sea support bases, waste disposal sites, among others — there are 16 in total.

“The result of the assessment must lead to the proposal of actions and measures to mitigate, control and compensate impacts, if necessary, according to the specificities of the affected indigenous lands and cultures, in case of project viability”, says the letter.

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