In a glass with delicate lines, coffee, milk and rose petals

In a glass with delicate lines, coffee, milk and rose petals


Passionate about roses, I still have, or maybe after this experience I had, some restrictions on them as an ingredient in my recipes for salads, main dishes and desserts. I’m talking about those tiny, edible roses, which are reminiscent of those used in tea preparation.

  • Mini roses most commonly used in tea preparation, in this recipe it harmonizes and perfumes coffee with milk

I tried to include them in my menu initially because of the vibrant color of the jam. A red that mixes with a strong pink, with a striking flavor. I made a few attempts at both breakfast and afternoon tea, but all were unsuccessful for my palate. I couldn’t combine it with the bread, biscuit, or cake filling, with anything on the table, so I gave up, put aside this idea of ​​continuing to try even with so many people around me praising it.

But as the saying goes: “sometimes we have more luck than judgment”. Today the cafeteria menu intrigued me. In the spotlight, he invited customers to taste the combination of coffee, milk and roses. So guess what, here I go for another challenge!

  • Coffee, milk and roses in a cup, a gently scented, unusual experience

When the glass arrived at the table, the first pleasant surprise, the perfume of the roses arrived milliseconds earlier but did not compete with the long-awaited good smell of the latte, it seems that they harmoniously combined. The mini petals not only decorated, not only colored, they enchanted!

The light perfume promoted by the small amount of mini rose petals seemed to envelop the soft coffee with milk, perfumes, aromas that I emphasize, they did not fight each other, on the contrary they completed each other giving register and style to the drink!

At the end of each new dose, a doubt, could it be that some petals were added to the coffee preparation water? My taste buds say yes. An experience worth repeating for sure!

  • Right at the entrance, the revitalized mansion in the old center of Qingdao warns guests: NO COFFEE NO LIFE

And to seal this experience that changed my paradigm about this unusual flavor, I highlight the warmth of the cafeteria. Its exposed bricks, its decoration that reminds us of a beautiful old mansion, embraces us, makes us not want to leave, rather makes us want to come back.

So, did you enjoy the experience? Our mantra is still alive: if we like it, we come back, we repeat it, if not, we forget! Of course, scheduled another visit with friends! Bóralá …


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