IA: Padilha says there is an environment to vote quickly – 04/08/2024 – Tech

IA: Padilha says there is an environment to vote quickly – 04/08/2024 – Tech


Minister Alexandre Padilha (Institutional Relations) stated this Monday (8) that there is an environment to vote “as quickly as possible” on the regulatory framework for artificial intelligence and announced that the federal government will support the report by opposition senator Eduardo Gomes (PL -RO).

“I think it is a very positive environment for us to vote as quickly as possible on this regulation of artificial intelligence in the country, which will create legal certainty for those who want to invest,” the minister told journalists.

“We want, increasingly, private investors, private and public partnerships, to attract international investment to this area of ​​artificial intelligence in the country, but guarantee rights to the various sectors that can be affected by this.”

The project was built in 2022 by a group of experts led by the minister of the STJ (Superior Court of Justice) Villas Bôas Cueva and officially presented by the president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), last year. The expectation is to vote on the text in the special committee by the end of the month.

Amid attacks from billionaire Elon Musk, owner of platform problem.

“I consider it a very important advance, equally [à regulação das redes], if there is a law on the use of artificial intelligence. That concepts such as transparency, responsibility, ethics be imposed, so that this does not contaminate life in society”, she said.

“This is what the Senate can do and the Chamber, the National Congress, can do. It is to deliver to society laws that can govern these issues. To prevent it from being up to the Judiciary to do so in the face of events that involve illegalities.”

Padilha and Pacheco had lunch at the official residence of the Senate this Monday together with minister Fernando Haddad (Finance) and senators Jaques Wagner (PT-BA), leader of the government in the Senate, and Randolfe Rodrigues (no party-AP), leader of the government in Congress.

The text provides general guidelines for the development, implementation and responsible use of AI in order to “protect fundamental rights” and guarantee “safe and reliable systems”. One of the axes is the creation or definition of a public administration body to unify and monitor compliance with the rules.

The PL also provides for the civil liability of the supplier or operator of the artificial intelligence system in the event of property, moral, individual or collective damage. In addition to being accountable, developers and companies must repair any damage caused.


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